MEP #393 - Recyclable PCBs, EOL Design, Cold Cuts

Podcast Title: Recyclable PCBs, EOL Design, Cold Cuts

Release Date: September 1, 2023

Episode: #393

Parker and Stephen discuss Infineon’s use of recyclable PCBs from Jiva Materials to create a soluboard, a recyclable and biodegradable PCB substrate and its ecological and efficiency implications, an examination of the new Arduino Uno, which replaces the ATMEGA328P with two new models, Minima and Wifi, plus a CNC update and an extended meditation on saw blades and what they can and cannot actually cut.

Podcast Audio:

Podcast Notes:

Infineon uses recyclable PCBs from Jiva Materials

  • The fibers are natural and have a lower impact than traditional glass based fibers.
    • 7.1kg and the carbon footprint of one square meter of standard FR-4 PCB is estimated to be 17.7kg.
    • Does anyone really know what “carbon footprint” means?
  • The non-toxic polymer that binds the fibers dissolves when immersed in hot water, leaving only compostable organic material. The polymer in the water can be disposed of in normal waste water.
    • 7.1kg and the carbon footprint of one square meter of standard FR-4 PCB is estimated to be 17.7kg.
    • A 60% waste reduction
    • Electronic devices can last FOREVER
    • Bad reviews vs. pollution vs. boiling the boards vs. useless promo items

Jiva Materials

  • Compatibility with current PCB Assembly processes
  • Repair, don’t replace!
  • Hoping for some Jiva experimentation
  • Board Mould
  • Mmmm, PCB soup…
  • Making puzzle badges but also, BOIL YOUR BADGE
  • But is the PCB Spaceworthy?

New Arduino Uno:

  • The ATMEGA328P is no more! Replaced with a 32-bit ARM Cortex M4.
  • Comes in two flavors:
    • Minima which looks to just be the MCU and supporting hardware.
    • WiFi which has 2.4Ghz capabilities and a LED Matrix?
  • The Minima has a proper SWD debug connector where the WiFi version does not?
  • Gripes with Arduino
  • Super crisp silkscreening
  • USB and HID Support
  • Raspberry Pie has bit the bullet

Once Year Since the CNC Project Began: An Update

  • We are cutting!
  • Getting garbage plywood and the state of Baltic Birch
  • Building the interior of the box truck
  • Always find a local source
  • Using the wrong blade can feel so right
  • SAW (blades)
  • Metal and wood and cold cuts

Good links:

Discussion Topics:

  • Thoughts on this new PCB substrate.
  • Arduino’s upping the horsepower on development boards but still not fixing fundamental issues with the platform.
  • Questions for Stephen about his CNC machine.